Elite Motos 2 is an open-world game where you play a young Brazilian guy who you have to help earn money by delivering all kinds of packages around the city. An easy way of describing the game is by comparing it to Grand Theft Auto, except you can't commit any crimes. You can only work honestly and earn money from your efforts.
The controls in Elite Motos 2 are very easy. When you control your character on foot, use your left thumb to move around freely and your right thumb to control the camera and interact with elements in the settings. If you are on a bike, use your left thumb to control the direction and your right thumb for speed. The character's cell phone is at the top of the screen, where you can accept or reject jobs.
You will barely have any money when you first start playing Elite Motos 2, so you must accept all kinds of jobs. The further away you have to deliver the package, the more money you are paid. So, your goal is to make deliveries to earn money that you can use to buy yourself better vehicles. But your character will also need to eat, so you will have to buy food in some of the street stalls in the city.
Elite Motos 2 is a very fun game with a calm sandbox experience where you can peacefully drive around a large city, taking packages from one side to the other and delivering all kinds of things. What's more, the game's graphics are pretty good. You can adjust the visuals perfectly to your Android device from the settings menu.
Requirements (Latest version)
- Android 6.0 or higher required
Frequent questions
How much space does Elite Motos 2 take up?
Elite Motos 2 is approximately 170Mb, depending on the version. The first three versions of the game have a much lower file size, only 25Mb, but these are not representative of the quality of the game today.
Is Elite Motos 2 free?
Yes, Elite Motos 2 is completely free. The game doesn't even offer in-app purchases, so you can't spend any money. Its monetization model is based exclusively on advertising, which you will have to watch on occasion.
What language is Elite Motos 2 in?
The only language Elite Motos 2 is available in is Portuguese. Although the game is only available in this language, it is not necessary to understand the dialogue to be able to play the game comfortably. All the missions that you have to complete are very clear.
The game is very good
I love the old one
Very good game
Very good
I found it cool and very realistic.
Very good